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Dave's mission to fund vital brain cancer research

Dave Gwyther-Marchant

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Dave's mission to fund vital brain cancer research


Hi there! For those who may not know me, I was diagnosed with a large 6x6x3cm brain tumour in November 2024. I had a craniotomy in December 2024, to have as much of the tumour as possible safely removed via surgery. Subsequently, the histopathology results came back as a grade 2 Astrocytoma. I’ve been told that this is a more favourable cancer as it is slow growing and less aggressive than others, however there is no known cure and we can expect for it to recur again in the future as a higher grade cancer. I will be undergoing radiation for 6 weeks straight, beginning 19 Feb 2025 and then have a few weeks recovery before undergoing chemotherapy for 12 months. When doing some research, I discovered some alarming facts about brain cancer;

  • Approximately 1500 Australians die each year from brain cancer.
  • 1 person is diagnosed every 5 hours.
  • Only 2 in 10 will survive at least 5 years.
  • Brain cancer kills more kids than any other disease!
  • Brain cancer kills more Australians under the age of 40 than any other cancer.
  • Brain cancer receives less than 5% of federal government cancer funding which could explain why survival rates have only increased by 1% in 30 years.

There are some BIG deficits here. I’ve decided to try to make a difference and fundraise for the Mark Hughes Foundation to raise much needed funds for vital research to be carried out. I plan on undertaking a few challenges throughout my treatment period. My goals (which I will continue to add to) are detailed below:

1) run 5km every day for the duration of my radiation treatment period (43 days = 215km). Strava activity will be posted daily and I will add details for some community runs as the time goes on. 


Saturday 22 March - 8am to 12pm

5km Lake Burley Griffin Bridge2bridge

Meet at The Jetty 

Complete 1 lap with me at around 9am or run until your heart is content.

Grab a coffee before the run and stay for brunch afterwards.

I will hang around The Jetty to say hello and catch up with people when I’m not running.

There will be MHF merchandise for sale, raffles and giveaways.

2) Partner with The Big Three Trek and hike 150km from the SCG in Sydney to McDonald Jones Stadium in Newcastle in June (during chemo period) for the opening round of the NRL Beanies for Brain Cancer round. 

If you would like to support my fundraising efforts it would be amazing! Any donation, big or small, would be greatly appreciated! And/or please share this page on your socials to help me raise much needed awareness. Thanks so much!

Follow my Instagram for daily updates: @marchant86

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Activity Summary

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Mark Hughes Foundation

The Mark Hughes Foundation (MHF) is a charity formed in Newcastle by Mark and Kirralee Hughes following Mark’s diagnosis with Brain Cancer in 2013. The Mark Hughes Foundation’s mission is to raise much needed funds for research, to create awareness and support brain cancer patients and their families.

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